The Longevity Expo - Empowering your wellness journey

Sangeeta Pati, MD, FACOG, ABOIM

Although I took this journey from the perspective of a doctor; people all over the world are waking up and taking the journey toward turning on the innate self-healing, that each of us is born with. This movement is the focus of the new Take My Power Back Initiative. For me, it all started with my birth in Princeton, NJ in 1963 to visionary Indian parents who raised us in the USA, Europe, and India, with all the culture of all the places. My formal education spanned public schools, convent schools, an Indian boarding school (MGD), the University of Maryland and Georgetown. I worked in private practice as an OB/GYN and did research at NASA, NIH, Litton Bionetics and the Safe Motherhood Project in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. I became Board Certified by the American Board of OB/GYN and most recently in 2021 became Board Certified by the American Board of Integrative Medicine. Yipee! My “REAL” education came from the blessed journey of my own health challenges, which included recovery from a deadly infection and coma at age 16 in India, a debilitating encounter with a heartworm in 2012, West Nile Virus, and adrenal burnout. In each situation, as conventional approaches failed, getting well required the guidance and the blessing of God and mentors who were pioneers in the field of restoring the body, including Dr. Robert Marshall, Dr. Todd Gegerson, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, Dr. John Apsley, and Dr. Bobby Klein; who used energetic modalities to diagnose and regenerative methods to treat. Lucky me. It became clear to me that my conventional approach, using pharmacy and surgery, was rarely curing anyone. I realized that my role as a physician was to empower the patient to get in the driver's seat for their own health, through proven tools and protocols, using all effective options' integrative, addressing the whole person and root causes, and most importantly inspiring.....I was born in Princeton and brought up in the USA, Europe and India by amazing parents; Dr. Jogesh C. Pati, an elementary particle physicist and Geeta Pati, a gifted Children's Science Writer. I completed BA in Zoology,1986 University of Maryland, Medical Degreee 1990 from University of Maryland Medicine (AOA) and Residency in Ob/Gyn at Georgetown. I am Board Certified in Ob/Gyn and also by American Board of Integrative Medicine. MORE DETAIL FOR THE CURIOUS I became a Computer Programmer, NASA, 1983. In 1984, I moved to research at Litton Bionetics and NCI Institute exploring natural methods like Vitamin C for immunity. In 1991, as a first-year resident, I experienced the miraculous birth of my light-worker daughter Anjali. I felt the deep spiritual nature of the field of Ob/Gyn. After residency, I practiced as Ob/Gyn in the Washington D.C., delivering beautiful babies and empowering mothers to experience their best birth, keenly seeking natural modalities like Healing Touch. In 1996, I worked as Medical Director at EngenderHealth Non-profit to reduce maternal mortality worldwide through Safe Moterhhood Project funded by Bill Gates Foundation. Working in the field with TBAs, midwives and UNESCO convinced me that pharmacy and surgery was only part of a wide toolbox of options in medical care. It could not cure or reverse disease. In 2003, I opened SaJune Institute for Restorative and Regenerative Medicine to expand the toolbox of evidence-based options. We explored acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, Ayurveda and Energy Medicine. Using a combination of modalities, in thousands of patients, we arrived at the 5-Point Model, which corrected >85% of all conditions by optimizing 1) hormones 2) nutrients 3) detoxification 4) mind and 5) body. It also approximates the conditions of the long-living people in the Blue-Zones utilizing the sun, structured water, oxygen, soil and the vibration of joy. SaJune became a training center for doctors in 2007. We specialize in effective results with the least number of steps and supplements. MD Prescriptives was born in 2008 to support these “Regenerative Protocols that Work!” The most important work that is the culmination of my life's work is to empower the masses with these protocols in the Take My Power Back Initiative. My personal journey has been blessed by my own health challenges, recovering from a deadly infection and coma at age 16 in India, a debilitating encounter with heartworm in 2012, West Nile Virus and adrenal burn out. As my response to conventional methods was ineffective, getting well required the guidance of pioneers in the field: Dr. Robert Marshall, Dr. Todd Gegerson and Dr. John Apsley, who use energetic modalities to diagnose and regenerative methods to treat. Lessons Learned So Far: 1. Our job is to provide awareness, hope and tools to put patients in the driver's seat to heal themselves. 2. Healing requires 100% belief in your ability to be completely cured at both the conscious and sub-conscious level. 3. Disease is the body speaking up that something is out of balance. It is the best opportunity to pay attention and address imbalances. 4. Whatever the question, nature is the answer! 5. "Whatever happens, the answer is Thank You!" When Dr. Marshall kept saying that, it spoke to my heart. Living it, has changed my life.

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